How to manage acute soft tissue injuries (sprains and strains)?

Acute soft tissue injuries (sprains and strains) Soft tissue injuries to muscles, ligaments, tendons etc are a common problem seen by physiotherapists. Its management has changed over many years but the term RICE (Rest Ice Compression and Elevation) is one of the few things most active people seem to remember when it comes to soft […]

Tennis elbow! But I don’t play tennis?

What is Tennis elbow? Tennis elbow is a condition caused by a reaction in the tendons in the elbow. These tendons attach to the extensor carpi radialis brevis to the outer bony prominence (lateral epicondyle) of the elbow. Certain repetitive movements of the wrist can cause this condition. Tennis elbow can occur in anyone who strains the […]

Plantar Heel Pain?

Plantar Heel Pain Management Plantar fasciitis (heel pain) is the most common foot problem seen by the physiotherapists at Physis. Firstly there is significant debate as to whether it should be called this but we are doing our blog for patients not physios! It causes significant pain at the heel or sole of the foot […]