“Top 5 Effective Tips for Managing Aches and Pains: Take Control of Your Well-Being”

  Experiencing aches and pains can disrupt our daily lives and hinder our productivity. Whether it’s due to strenuous physical activities, sedentary lifestyles, or aging, managing these discomforts is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the top five tips that can help you effectively manage aches and pains, allowing you to […]

Shockwave therapy for insertional Achilles tendinopathy?

Shockwave therapy for insertional Achilles tendinopathy? Shockwave therapy for insertional Achilles tendinopathy is a useful adjunct to standard physiotherapy management. Like most tendinopathy treatment plans exercise therapy including a strength plan are key therapy options but these can be adversley affected by the heel pain patients suffer. Using shockwave therapy for insertional achilles tendinopathy helps […]

Edinburgh Shockwave Clinic: Revolutionizing Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Edinburgh Shockwave Clinic: Revolutionizing Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common yet often undiscussed condition that affects millions of men worldwide. While various treatments exist, the Edinburgh Shockwave Clinic has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering cutting-edge solutions to this pervasive issue. In this blog post, we delve into the innovative treatments […]

Unwind and Rejuvenate: Discover the Benefits of Joining the Massage Club

Why not join Physis Physiotherapy’s Edinburgh Massage Club? In the fast-paced world we live in, finding moments of peace and relaxation can be a challenge. That’s where the Massage Club steps in, offering a sanctuary for individuals seeking not only a break from the hustle and bustle but also a journey towards holistic well-being. Let’s […]

2023 in Review

Quality Check The new year is always a good time to take stock of how we are doing. After 25 years in business and more that 30 years in clinical practice for many of us (our current average experience within the team is 21 years. 1/3 of the team currently has more than 30 years […]

Exploring the causes of ACL injuries in Rugby:Tips for Prevention

Why do we see so many ACL injuries in Rugby? Rugby, a physically demanding sport known for its intensity, is not without its risks. Common injuries in rugby include ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) tears. The severity of which can lead to long periods of rehabilitation or surgery with extended time periods away from the game. […]

Shockwave Therapy for Patellar Tendinopathy?

Shockwave therapy for patellar tendinopathy is a useful complement to the strengthening program often provided by your physiotherapist. We have used strength training and specifically eccentric strength exercises for lower limb tendinopathies successfully for many years. But improvement can take a long time and pain can prevent a straight forward recovery with a loading program. […]

What is Cycling Medicine?

Cycling continues to evolve as a recreational activity to a professional sport, captivating the interest of athletes, enthusiasts, and health-conscious individuals alike. Amidst this evolution, a lesser-known but crucial aspect has emerged – cycling medicine. In this blog, we delve into the realm of cycling medicine, shedding light on what it entails, its significance for […]

Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP)

Clearance of Secretions from Your Lungs In the realm of respiratory therapy, there are various tools and techniques designed to aid individuals with lung conditions. One such device is the Oscillatory Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) device, which is specifically designed to assist in the clearance of mucus from the airways. In this blog post, we […]

What to Expect at Your Physio Appointment

Physiotherapy – Musculoskeletal condition When you visit any of our Edinburgh physiotherapy clinics, you may be attending for up to an hour for your first appointment. This might seem like a long time, but it passes very quickly. You may be asked to fill out a consent form if you have been referred by your employer […]