Calf pain in runners.

Calf pain in runners

Calf pain in runners is a fairly common problem with many factors. As physiotherapists we see many running injuries. At Physis Physiotherapy we see calf problems with varying causation factors but all of them lead to a frustrated runner not running the way they want to. Sometimes it is simpler to understand if the problem is a calf tear with the resultant pain and disability. But a problem which comes and goes, allows you to run sometimes and not others, or does not simply get better with a short rest period can be a nightmare.

The most common presentation is in a deconditioned runner aged 40-60 who gets their training program wrong, but there are risk factors are there for all athletes.

Risk Factors for calf pain in runners

  • sudden change in training load (pace or volume)
  • history of previous calf injury
  • calf weakness or within the kinetic chain
  • limited ankle movement or calf flexibility
  • inadequate rest or recovery
  • poor sleep health

Sports Injury

What won’t help?

We see a lot of runners who read a lot, follow advice from social media without having sort the advice of a professional. There are lots of myths out there on the web, but we know these won’t help:

  1. Ignoring it
  2. Resting for long periods
  3. Foam roller (massage helps but does not sort these issues)
  4. Buying more running shoes without expert knowledge!

So what is the solution?

Firstly get it assessed by a physiotherapist. They should assess you for the risk factors and check strength, flexibility and movement patterns to identify your treatment plan.

  • calf or kinetic chain strengthening program
  • calf flexibility (most people think they know how but don’t!)
  • ankle stiffness (joint mobilisations)*
  • massage
  • running style changes
  • running footwear issues
  • orthotic requirement

* Ankle joint stiffness from previous ankle injuries can alter the local biomechanics. Functional joint mobility should be tested .

ankle mobility test

The solution may be varied but the fundamental issue is usually strength (or the lack of it!). It always amazes our physiotherapy team how runners can run for miles but can’t do a basic amount of calf raises.

If you have had recurrent calf pain whilst running and would like to find a solution then give us a call on 0131 478 4646 or book online. Our sports physiotherapists will help you form a management plan and if appropriate refer you to a sports podiatrist or massage therapist.

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